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Case Study: Kverneland Farming Supplies


From its UK hub based in the North West, Kverneland supplies equipment of all sizes, from giant cultivators drawn by tractors, through to the smallest nut and bolt used to maintain and service the wide range of agricultural implements. Safety and accuracy, as well as cost savings, were on the agenda when it became time to refurbish the old fluorescent lighting scheme throughout the extensive site. Peter Mulholland and his colleagues turned to his trusted support team of electrical contractors to plan the refit and chose an Integral LED product as the ultimate solution.

Working in an environment that processes and dispatches 4000 units per month is a challenge for logistics but when many of the items weigh thousands of kilos, safety has a major bearing on daily operations. Naturally, correct levels of lighting are a major element of a safety regime. The company’s existing fluorescent strip lighting was proving inadequate, especially in the narrower aisleways. A constant programme of tube replacements was required which entailed the wasteful expense of hiring scissor lifts to gain access. Inevitably, strip lights remained blown or flickering between maintenance cycles, creating potentially hazardous areas on the shop floor. It was time for a change.

“I was aware of the cost benefits of LED lights”, remarked Peter Mulholland, Warehouse Manager, “but actually, it was the safety concerns and escaping the constant cycle of tube replacements that triggered the need for a switch.”

Following board level approval, Paul Kirby of PK Electrical Maintenance, Kverneland's established electrical contractor, liased with local electrical wholesaler Mr Ohms to select suitable products. Many of the offerings were heavy metal fixtures and a lightweight replacement luminaire with suitable weatherproofing was preferred. Among the short-listed samples that were tested onsite, was the Integral LED 6ft Batten (Linkable) which provides 6325lm of illumination and is powered by a mere 55W. The ‘cool white’ option was more than a match in terms of illumination for the existing double fluorescent tube unit. Weighing in at just 1.4Kg, the LED luminaire was a fraction of the original’s weight. An order for two hundred and fifty LED Battens was placed and a five-week installation was scheduled over two periods. The refit went smoothly, the electrical installation team particularly commended the easy-fit brackets that easily clip on to the body of the luminaire and the speed that the units were cabled together in series through quick fit input and output gland connectors.

The immediate reaction following the refurbishment was very favourable. All workers reported improved working conditions with better visibility for tractor drivers through to the pick and pack warehouse operators. All parties agree that targets of improved safety and increased levels of stocktake accuracy have been met. Not least, a major improvement in running costs is anticipated too. Dropping power from 140W to 55W across all lighting fixtures effectively has secured a 60% saving on electricity usage.

“LED delivers a major saving that effectively pays for itself within two years and with the addition of motion/occupancy sensors that are ideally suited to LED, our clients can look forward to much smaller bills,” commented Craig Larn, Mr Ohms the supplying electrical wholesaler.

Thankfully, with a guaranteed 25,000 hours of operation for each Integral LED Batten, Kverneland won’t be needing to hire a scissor lift any time soon!

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